I am using Fedora since 2008, i was annoyed from the typical Window usage. It made me a robot, just buy a Windows CD , get installed in my system and then use it, until it get infected from virus, and now i have no other option to either reinstall it or get an anti-virus. But it also wouldn't solved my problem. I want something different , where i have freedom to use and even configure it as to my needs.
I was listening about Linux and its different distros. I firstly installed Fedora7 first time and it makes me one week to understand its installation and its usage. But when i became familiar with it. I found everything.
I was listening about Linux and its different distros. I firstly installed Fedora7 first time and it makes me one week to understand its installation and its usage. But when i became familiar with it. I found everything.
Now Fedora is releasing its Fedora15. and i want to let you people know, what fedora is :)
Fedora is a fast, stable, and powerful operating system for everyday use built by a worldwide community of friends. It's completely free to use, study, and share.
Fedora is a Linux-based operating system that showcases the latest in free software. Fedora is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It is built by people across the globe who work together as a community: the Fedora Project.
What makes Fedora different?
- Advancing software and content freedom is a key goal of the Fedora Project.
- People world-wide work together in Fedora to advance free software.
- Many features that benefit all Linux distributions start in Fedora.
- The future of Linux is built into Fedora.
We fight for software freedom
Fedora Says
"We try to always do the right thing, and provide only free and open source software. We will fight to protect and promote solutions that anyone can use and redistribute. To this end, we use only free and open source software to power the Fedora infrastructure itself. With this in mind, all of our developers are focused on working closely with upstream development teams, so everyone can benefit from our work and get access to our changes as soon as possible. Due to the huge amount of innovation that Fedora drives, this focus has had significant and long lasting effects."
Fedora 15: Now with GNOME 3.
A worldwide community of friends.
Fedora is a Linux-based operating system that showcases the latest in free software. Fedora is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It is built by people across the globe who work together as a community: the Fedora Project.
"Since its first version, in 2003, Red Hat's Fedora Linux has been the best place to track what's on the leading edge of Linux and open source software."
— Jason Brooks, eweek.com
Courtesy: Ch Qasim Raza(Fedora Ambassador) + Fedora Wiki
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