Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Convert Resume into an Infograph

 Vizualize.Me is a new application that can link to your LinkedIn profile and pull your career information into a graphical representation of your skills, work history and professional background. This process is done all through a powerful code that requires no graphic design skills from the user. Infographs are a visual design technique that portrays data and interesting information creatively. There are a plethora of infographs out there today, but this one doesn’t require a design degree to make.
At this time, Vizualize.Me is not available to the public, but is scheduled to be available by August 1, 2011. Vizualize.Me is giving a select few a chance to sign up early, however, with the opportunity of free access to premium features during the private launch on July 25, 2011.

Courtesy:  Vizualize.Me

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