Yesterday i have read a blog article at EFY times that Indian government is moving its e-govt projects to Open Source.
"NEW DELHI: Computer hardware and peripherals used by all new e-governance projects must work with Linux and other opensource operating systems, says a draft policy."

Unfortunately, It will dump a huge penetration of Apple and RIM in Indian e-govt, but it will let them save billions of dollars , which they spent on the maintenance and up-gradation of these existing system.
My point of discussion is, Pakistan. But first i introduce you about the Open Source.
What is open Source?
The concept of Open Source and the free sharing of technological information existed long before computers. For example, cooking recipes have been shared since the beginning of human culture. Open source can pertain to businesses and to computers, software and technology.

One of my fellow have a blog and he perfectly describes it in the case of Free software.
Free Software is a matter of freedom, not price. Free Software respects four essential freedoms:
1. to run the program for any purpose you wish
2. to study the source code and change it to do what you wish
3. to copy the program and distribute the copies when you wish
4. to publish or distribute a modified version when you wish.
2. to study the source code and change it to do what you wish
3. to copy the program and distribute the copies when you wish
4. to publish or distribute a modified version when you wish.
In the case of pure It language, most software that you buy or download only comes in the compiled ready-to-run version. Compiled means that the actual program code that the developer created, known as the source code, has run through a special program called a compiler that translates the source code into a form that the computer can understand. It is extremely difficult to modify the compiled version of most applications and nearly impossible to see exactly how the developer created different parts of the program. Most commercial software manufacturers see this as an advantage that keeps other companies from copying their code and using it in a competing product. It also gives them control over the quality and features found in a particular product.
Open Source software is at the opposite end of the spectrum. The source code is included with the compiled version and modification or customization is actually encouraged. The software developers who support the open source concept believe that by allowing anyone who's interested to modify the source code, the application will be more useful and error-free over the long term.
Point to be Noted

Pakistan Software Export Board have launched Open Source Resource Center.

Lot of people working in Pakistan to promote and flourish Open Source in Pakistan, But they are doing individual efforts. There should be a specific platform , from where they access the community and this should be a better idea.
Think Pakistan! Its time to change .....:)
Some useful links of Pakistan Open Source Community :
Courtesy: Ch Qasim Raza(Fedora Ambassador)